May 28, 29, June 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 2006

After just 15 years, the perennial favorite Anne of Green Gables returned to the Kitsap Forest Theater. Under the leadership of Craig Schieber (director), Stephen Wall (Music Director), Lorinda Esposito (Stage Manager) and Guy Ciardi (Choreographer extraordinare), the theater became a part of turn of the previous century Canada, if only for two hours. With authentic costuming by Mary Duckering and sets by Will Grey and Scott Baker, one could imagine oneself in the Maritimes, even with the dirt stage.
Jenny Estill played the sometimes green haired Anne (with an 'e') Shirley, with her new friend Diana Barry, played by Player's newcomer Ila Faubion. Gail Foster, who had been the school teacher in the earlier version, played the part of Marilla Cuthbert opposite the Matthew Cuthbert of Ric Moxley. Anne's erstwhile boyfriend, Gilbert Blythe, was played by Stuart Baker - sidekicked by Cooper Harris-Turner as Charlie Slone.
One of the ways director Craig Schieber added to the depth of the show was by adding actors as Anne's imagination - making more vivid Anne's musings.