Big Fish is a heartfelt, powerful, and truly magical Broadway musical about fathers, sons, and the stories that we use to define our identities. With a beautiful score by Andrew Lippa, and a witty book by John August, Big Fish is a magnificent “big fish” of a tale, itself – spectacular, fantastical, and overflowing with love. Based on the celebrated novel by Daniel Wallace (Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions) and the acclaimed film written by John August and directed by Tim Burton (Big Fish, 2003), this show celebrates the magic of theatre and the power of a great story.
A rollicking fantasy set in the American South, Big Fish centers on the charismatic Edward Bloom, a traveling salesman whose incredible, larger-than-life stories thrill everyone around him – most of all, his devoted wife Sandra. But their son, Will, about to have a child of his own, is determined to find the truth behind his father’s epic tales. Will doesn’t think there’s any truth to the extravagant tales his father tells about meeting witches, kissing mermaids or joining the circus. He doesn’t believe the story of how his father proposed to his mother, Sandra, in a field full of daffodils. When Edward’s health begins to decline, Will visits his father and tries one last time to cut through his father’s tall tales to discover the person underneath.
From rousing dance numbers to touching moments, this show is a tribute to the power of dreaming big and is perfect for all ages.
Big Fish runs Saturday and Sunday for four weekends: July 26, 27, August 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17; 2025 – 2:00 pm.
Director: Craig Schieber; Choreographer: Guy Caridi; Music Director: Mark Press; Asst. Music Director: Nancy Press; Stage Manager: Danette Lam; Costumes: Amy Fancher; Props: Angela Templin; Sets: George Pledger & Jim Johnson; Technical Director: Kevin Matthews; Production Manager: Gala Lindvall; Associate Production Manager: Jenny Dreessen
Big Fish Press Release
Publicity Pictures