The Kitsap Forest Theater is located 15 minutes from the Bremerton Ferry dock on Seabeck Highway, off of the Chico Way exit from Highway 3 and is a mile above Country Nursery. It is easily accessed from the Olympic Peninsula, Tacoma, Olympia and points south and is accessed by ferries or the Tacoma Narrows bridge from the Seattle/Everett areas.

It takes about 1 1/2 hours to drive from Seattle via the Tacoma Narrows bridge. Taking the ferry takes about 1 1/2 hours (without factoring in the ferry wait), depending upon which ferry you take. The theater is about 35 minutes from the Kingston or Bainbridge ferry terminals. During spring and summer days, especially when the weather is nice, plan on getting to the ferry line early. You may have to wait for a ferry or two. There is typically less wait at the Seattle/Bremerton run than the Edmonds/Kingston run.

Many theater-goers pack a picnic lunch to enjoy on the ferry or at the property. This is a great day adventure in the forest!

Check ferry schedules here. You can check the ferry cams here.

Directions to Kitsap Forest Theater

(3000 Seabeck Hwy., Bremerton, WA 98312)

From Edmonds/Kingston Ferry:
Kingston Google Map Directions

Leaving the ferry, proceed on Hwy. 104 (becomes Hwy. 307) for 9.1 miles. At Hwy. 305 signal, turn right, and follow signs to south Hwy. 3 (towards Bremerton) and follow the Bainbridge Island/Poulsbo directions below.

From Seattle/Bainbridge Island Ferry or Poulsbo:
Bainbridge Google Map Directions

Take Hwy. 305 to southbound Hwy. 3. Proceed south on Hwy. 3 (~11 miles), and exit at Chico Way (before the Bremerton exits). Turn right onto Chico way, after .5 mile turn right on Northlake Way (first major road on right). Continue .3 mile, turn right at the Triangle Automotive shop. Bear right at the stop sign onto Seabeck Hwy. After crossing the railroad tracks, go .7 mile and you will see our sign and parking personnel. You have arrived!

From Seattle/Bremerton Ferry:
Bremerton Google Map Directions

Leave the terminal through the tunnel which will empty onto Burwell Street. Turn right on Warren avenue (1/2th mile). Turn left on 6th Street which later becomes Kitsap Way. Proceed 4 miles on Kitsap Way — under the Hwy. 3 underpass . Two miles after the underpass turn left onto Northlake Way (at Ralph's Grocery) and follow **** directions below.

From the South (Tacoma/Shelton):
Tacoma Google Map Directions

Proceed north on Hwy. 3 (via Hwy. 16 from Tacoma) and exit at Kitsap Way. Turn left, go under the freeway onto Kitsap Way. Two miles from this underpass turn left onto Northlake Way (at Ralph's Red Apple Market) & follow **** directions below.

**** Continue to fork in the road. Take the left fork which will be Seabeck Hwy. After crossing the railroad tracks, go .7 mile and you will see our sign and parking personnel. You have arrived!

Note: On non-show days, there will be no parking personnel to greet you. The driveway to the property is just beyond the large theater sign that you see on the right  the driveway to the Kitsap Forest Theater is on the left side of the highway just before the long guardrail.


You can also find maps and driving directions on Google Maps.

Enter the destination address of 3000 Seabeck Hwy. Bremerton, WA 98312 in your favortite map site and get customized directions.
