Meet Molly Hall: Mamma Mia! Dancing Queen
When Molly Hall was seven, she remembers listening to "Dancing Queen" and thinking,
“I can’t wait until I’m 17! Then I’ll really be the dancing queen!” She grew up listening to ABBA, often performing lip-sync concerts in the living room with her younger sister, Wendy, to songs like "Honey, Honey" and "Nina, Pretty Ballerina". Little did she know that she’d grow up to become an actor and choreographer, and that someday ABBA’s iconic songs would be made into a musical. So it’s not an exaggeration to say that she’s been waiting her whole life to be a part of this show.
Molly and her family (husband, Jason Gingold, and kids Sadie and Charlie) have been involved with Kitsap Forest Theater for six seasons. She played Lowbutt in HONK! (opposite fellow Dynamo, Jenny Dreessen), several roles in Annie, and Eulalie Shinn in The Music Man. As a choreographer she created the dances for Shrek, The Little Mermaid, Tarzan, and Tuck Everlasting. Molly has also acted and choreographed with many theatres around the Seattle area.
“I was hired to choreograph Mamma Mia! over a year ago, which was already a dream come true,” says Hall. “But I hesitated about auditioning. I thought it might be too complicated to choreograph and act in it. But then around January I realized… What am I, crazy? This is Mamma Mia!!! OF COURSE I’M GOING TO AUDITION!” Her dream was almost thwarted when she got terribly ill in the days before the callbacks. But thanks to the help of some trusted colleagues, she was able to show up to run dance callbacks and read/sing for several roles.
She was thrilled to be cast in the role of Tanya, Donna’s longtime friend and back-up singer. “I used to dance to "Does Your Mother Know" as a kid, and I’d do this little step we called Kick/Open/Side-to-side. I played it on our turntable over and over again and tried to set a record for how long I could do that little step. So of course I HAD to put that into the dance. It’s such a joyful, flirty, high energy song, I love performing it.”
Being a part of this production team has also been a joy for Molly. “I love working with Paul and Ben. Paul and I have worked together on many shows and he directed me in two of my favorite roles of all time: Lotty in Enchanted April (alongside fellow Dynamo Beaven Walters), and M’Lynn in Steel Magnolias. We also had the chance to work together on Tuck Everlasting last summer, which was like being inside a myth or a storybook, a really special experience for the whole company. And Ben is just a firecracker and a musical genius. We really see eye to eye about the intersection of voice, dance, music, acting, and storytelling. When we give the cast notes sometimes the other person’s words just dovetail perfectly with what we’re trying to express. We’re a really good team.”
Trying to choreograph and act in the show hasn’t been without its challenges. “I have many days when I think, this is basically impossible,” says Hall with a laugh. When she’s not on stage, she is dashing out front to watch dances and takes notes.
Then she scrambles back stage to make it in time for her own scenes and songs. “I definitely couldn’t do it without the help of Kayla Rose, our incredible Assistant Choreographer. She steps out of dances all the time to watch and give notes. She is a calm, wonderful presence and she helps to keep the dances in good shape especially when I’m running around with a tambourine and a boa, singing "Dancing Queen".”
Best of all, says Hall, is the chance to be a part of this show with her two real-life good friends, Jenny Dreessen and Beaven Walters. “For the three of us to be cast in these roles, after all these years of friendship and working together… it’s just a dream come true. We love each other so much, and we trust each other. We all have different strengths and we balance each other really well. Best of all, the depth of friendship and chemistry between Donna, Tanya, and Rosie is just palpable and very real. Then, on top of all that, we get to wear sparkles and dance and sing harmony! I just don’t think it gets any better than this.”
When asked what her favorite part of working on Mamma Mia! is, Molly is at a loss. “All of it. Every minute of working on it. Every night of rehearsal. I could name some sweet, one-of-a-kind moments: the first harmony section of "Chiquitita". The first chorus of "Dancing Queen". The first time we all nailed the "Super Trouper" moves. All the times Reed Viydo (Pepper) has cracked me up in our scenes. The dance break of "Does Your Mother Know". There have also been some dances that were unexpectedly thrilling to create – "Under Attack" being a particular highlight. But I just have to say all of it. And doing the show along with my husband and two kids. This is truly living the dream. I’m grateful every day.”
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