Meet our Dorothy
Jasmine Harrick has been performing since she was 5, and has been lucky enough to work in productions at The 5th Avenue and Village Theatre, but Kitsap holds a special place in her heart. “It’s more than a theater,” she says, “it’s a community. Because you spend so much time with the rest of the cast – camping, hiking, eating together – you get to know everyone more than at other theaters.”
Jasmine’s experience with KFT began at age 4, when she came with her parents to performances, who were hoping the outdoor environment would be a good counter to toddler fidgetiness. She thrilled at the opportunity to meet the actors onstage and was already a veteran audience member when at age 8 she auditioned with her sister, Eliana, and her parents for Fiddler on the Roof. This began a treasured family tradition of performing together. It didn’t take long for the unique theater to work its magic on all of them. Weekends after rehearsals, Jasmine would head out into the wooded areas beyond the cabin to find secluded glens where she and her new friends from the cast would create fairy houses, explore the trail to Big Tree and Wildcat Creek, or build impromptu carnival rides around the cabin. She went on to portray Lucy in Narnia, Mary Lennox in The Secret Garden, Annie in Annie, and Neleus in Mary Poppins.
That sense of specialness of place and community is one thing that drew Jasmine back to the theater this
year, after missing last year due to Village Theatre’s Billy Elliott. “I missed it so much,” she says, “I was just hoping to get a chance to be in a show here again,” so she couldn’t be more thrilled to also get the opportunity to play Dorothy.
Jasmine’s says about playing Dorothy: “I don’t care that she’s a girl really,” she says, “What interests me most are characters who are nice people, who know what they want, and who try hard to do the right thing. It doesn’t matter whether they are girls or not. Before I started working on the character, I thought Dorothy was kind of dull, that everything just happens to her, and she’s like, ‘oh no, help me please.’ That’s not an interesting character to me. My favorite part was always the Munchkins.”
She soon found the role presented challenges, physical and emotional. “She’s on the entire show, so you have to have a lot of energy. And emotionally, she goes through a lot of changes during the show. At the beginning of the show, Dorothy convinces herself that nobody understands or really loves her, and that she despises her Aunt and never wants to see her again. When she’s away from her Aunt and thinks she may be sick, she immediately wants to get back to her, even though she’s in this incredible, remarkable place – and that goal drives her for the rest of the show. Dorothy realizes that she already has what she thought she wanted.”
Jasmine is excited by the novel take that Craig Scheiber and costumer Barbara Klingberg brought to the show. “This is a very iconic show, and I think it’s really cool that they are doing something to mix it up a little bit, but still keep the elements that made it a classic.”
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